Buy Tickets Now & Save 5th & 6th August 2023


In order to support our exhibitors and make sure that the South Gloucestershire Show is a success every year we carry out a number of effective marketing strategies in the lead up to the event itself.

We are also keen to hear about any marketing opportunities that you think will help to promote the South Gloucestershire Show.

Website & Social Media

The digital age means we must maximise our opportunities to market the South Gloucestershire Show online. As well as a comprehensive website with all of the information required for visitors, exhibitors and volunteers we also have dedicated Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages.

The social media community built around the show gives us a fantastic platform to keep everyone right up-to-date with anything related to the South Gloucestershire Show. A lot of our social media is kept in house, we do however utilise the skills of local digital design company, Nebula Design,  who help to update all of our pages both leading up to and during the event.

By utilising the designated hashtags each year (e.g #SGS19) we are able to gain far-reaching exposure for sponsors and exhibitors online at this year’s Show.

Media Coverage

Below are just a small selection of publications and media outlets we either advertised in or were featured in for our past events:

Road Signage

All major roads in and out of the county are subject to comprehensive road signage for a full three weeks leading up to the show, these signs are then immediately taken down as quick as possible after the Show. Please refrain from taking down our signs the clean up team will have them down within the days following each Show. We are also environmentally conscious so recycle our signage every year with updated information.

Cycleway Signage

As the event will encourage cyclists we place signage along the Avon Cycleway commuter routes to Bristol and Bath to guide our cyclists to one of our cycle racks.